The Kerala government has rejected that demand of the Muslim girl in which permission was sought to wear hijab and full sleeved dress according to religious beliefs in the Student Police Cadet Project. The Home Department of the government of the Kerala has said that secularism in the state will be affected by such relaxation in the program of the state police. Student Police Cadet Project is a school based youth development program.Which trains high school students to develop in to the future leaders of a democratic society and to respect the law. The Home Department, government of Kerala has said that the government is fully satisfied after careful consideration of the student's application that demand of the applicant Student is not tenable.If such exemption is provided in the Student Police Project on the demand of the girl student,then such demand will be made on behalf of other communities also. This will affect the secularism of the state.
According to the case, the Student had sought permission from the officials of the Student Police Project to wear a head scarf and full sleeved dress as per Islamic beliefs.Which was rejected by the project officials.After this, the student filed a petition in the Hig,h court requesting to order the project officials. The High court, while rejecting the girl's petition, told the girl student, she can place her demand before the state government.