While hearing a P. I. L. , The Madhya Pradesh High court said that a married daughter is also entitled to compassionate appointment in the event of the death of the posted father or mother during the period of service. the High court has said in its decision that if after the untimely death of a government employee, his dependent don't have an unemployment son,then his daughter can also apply.It is doesn't matter whether she is married or single.
According to the case, a P. I. L.was filed by a woman named Preeti Singh, a resident of Satna. The petitioner said that her mother Mohini Singh was posted as A. S. I. in koliganwa police station She died in a road accident in 2014. Preeti Singh had applied for compassionate appointment in place of her mother. But her application was rejected by Bhopal Police Headquarters that she is married and is not entitled to compassionate appointment. The rejection of the application by the Bhopal Police Headquarters was challenged by Preeti Singh through a P. I. L.. Preeti Singh argued that article 14 of the constitution of India has given the right to equally to every citizen of the country. So compassionate appointment can not be discriminated against. When a married son is entitled to compassionate appointment, the married daughter should also be entitled to compassionate appointment. Agreeing with the arguments of the petitioner, Justice Sanjay Dwivedi has ordered.Despite being married, the petitioner should be given compassionate appointment.