In the Gujarat High Court, a strange situation arose in the court of Justice Nirjar Desai when three of the four accused of cheating got anticipatory bail. After this, two men and a woman affected by the cheating case and the complainant in the case, tried to commit suicide by drinking poisonous drink in the court room itself. At that time the live streaming of the court proceedings was going on.Those who attempted suicide were later admitted to the hospital where they are undergoing treatment.It is believed that the complainants who attempted suicide were unhappy over the grant of anticipatory bail to the accused. According to the case, the accused are related to a co-operative bank based in Ahmedabad. They are alleged to have taken loans worth crores of rupees from the bank in the name of the affected by mortgaging their properties with the bank.A complaint was lodged against the accused after the alleged fraud and misappropriation by the accused came to light after receipt of loan recovery notice by the bank.In the same case of cheating and embezzlement, the accused had obtained anticipatory bail. Impressed by the alleged cheating by the accused and the suicide attempt by the complainants in the case, Justice Nirjar Desai adjourned the post-lunch break court proceedings.
During live streaming of court proceedings in Gujarat High Court, two men and a woman froUm the affected party attempted suicide by consuming poisonous substances
byIndian law express