This question has been answered by the Karnataka High Court in the case of Late Totil Gouda.According to the case, the Sessions Court of Hassan, Karnataka, imposed a fine of ₹ 29704 on Totil Gounda under the Electricity Act on 12 December 2011. Dissatisfied with the order of the Sessions Court, Totil Gounda filed a petition in the High Court.In which questions were raised on the order of the Sessions Court, the petition was under consideration in the High Court, meanwhile Totil Gounda died.After the death of the petitioner no family member took interest in continuing the petition.Totil Gounda's counsel tells the court that the legal heirs of the petitioner do not want to continue with the petition. Hearing the petition, a bench headed by Justice Shiv Shankar Amarnavar said that the petitioner had filed this petition while he was alive.Presently the petitioner is dead.Heirs of the petitioner are not inclined to continue the petition.In such a situation it is not possible to continue with the petition.The court dismissed the petition in the background of the death of the petitioner. The Bench said that even after the death of the petitioner, he cannot be relieved from the liability to pay the fine as per the order of the Sessions Court.The court further said that in case of death of the convict, his property or his heirs can recover the amount of the fine.
After the death of the person on whom the fine was imposed, the fine can be recovered from his successors.
byIndian law express