The Allahabad High Court has refused to give relief to an inter-faith couple living in a live-in relationship, saying that adultery is a punishable offense in Islam. The court made the observation after it was told that the couple has not expressed any intention to marry. The court said that in Islam, sexual acts before marriage and extramarital relations after marriage are strictly prohibited. There is a provision of harsh punishment in Islam for the person who violates these rules of Islam. Not only this, Islam does not allow all acts of love such as touching, kissing and even staring before marriage. According to the case, a 30-year-old Muslim man and a 29-year-old Hindu woman had filed a petition in the High Court seeking protection from police harassment. They said that they are living in live in relationship. The woman's mother is angry with the relationship and has lodged a complaint with the police. Based on the complaint of the woman's mother, the police are harassing them. The couple living in a live-in relationship, citing the decision of the Supreme Court, demanded that in view of the decision of the Supreme Court, the court should issue a direction to provide security to them. The court rejected his demand, saying that the Supreme Court has expressed views on live-in relationships in view of the law. But these views of the Supreme Court cannot be considered to encourage relationships like live in relationship. A division bench of Justice Sangita Chandra and Justice Narendra Kumar Johri observed that the law is in favor of the institution of marriage and protects and promotes the institution of marriage itself. For this, the law also provides many types of rights for married women and men.
Allahabad High court
court judgement
court news
high court news
law news
legal news
live in relationship