The Chhattisgarh High Court recently dismissed a petition filed by a married woman seeking permission for abortion on the grounds that her relationship with her husband had deteriorated. According to the case, the 29-year-old woman was married in 2022, the woman became pregnant from this marriage, after some time the relationship between husband and wife deteriorated. After a rift between husband and wife, the wife decided to have an abortion and filed a petition in the High Court seeking permission to have an abortion. A single judge bench of Justice P.Sem Kosi while hearing the petition said that She is a married woman and she has conceived from a relationship with her husband. It is not a case that she became pregnant due to any sexual offense nor has she claimed that she was pregnant outside her husband. The court said that abortion is considered a crime in India unless there is a situation that makes it necessary for the woman to have an abortion until then even the doctor is prevented from performing abortions. Doctors are also allowed to abort only if after examining the pregnant woman, the doctor comes to the conclusion that if the abortion is not done, it will be harmful to the physical and mental health of the woman or Medical examination shows that the fetus has certain problems and the child is at risk of serious physical deformities and diseases after birth. The court observed that there is no ground in the woman's petition to allow abortion as mentioned in the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971. Court refuses to allow abortion and dismisses petition filed by woman.
Chhattisgarh High court
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