The Punjab and Haryana High Court has suspended Panchkula's special CBI court judge Sudhir Kumar Parmar.His official residence was raided by the Anti-Corruption Bureau on 18 April 2023. During this raid, the Anti-Corruption Bureau found evidence related to corruption.The information about the things and evidence found during the raid was submitted by the Anti-Corruption Bureau through a report to the High Court.The High Court after studying this report in depth came to this conclusion and decided to suspend Judge Sudhir Kumar Parmar. The order to suspend Judge Sudhir Kumar Parmar, Special CBI Court, Panchkula, has been issued by the office of the Registrar General, Punjab and Haryana High Court.Sudhir Kumar Parmar was appointed as Special CBI Judge Panchkula in November 2021.He was also holding the charge of Special Judge under the Money Laundering Act (PMLA). Following his suspension, the High Court has appointed Rajeev Goyal, Additional Sessions Judge, Gurugram, as the Judge of the Special CBI Court, Panchkula
Anti Corruption Bureau
CBI court Panchkula
court news
legal news
P&H high court
registrar general
special CBI court judge suspended on charges of corruption
sudhir kumar parmar
supreme Court