The Allahabad High Court has said that in cases pending under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Act, the aggrieved party and the accused settle the case by compromise, then Will have to return the financial help received from the government. A single-judge bench of Justice Rahul Chaturvedi was hearing petitions seeking settlement of cases pending in different district courts on the basis of compromise.When Jhabbu Dubey alias Pradeep Kumar Dubey, Vishwanath Yadav & others, Dharmendra alias Vauba Bajpai & others, Rakesh & others demanded to end the pending cases. The petitioners said that they have reached a settlement with the victims. While hearing the petitions, the bench said that no one has the right to make money from the government by complaining about atrocities against him.In the case related to SC/ ST Act, if there is a settlement without pressure, then the financial assistance received from the government will have to be returned.Financial assistance to victims is provided from the hard earned money of tax payers. The bench gave this order while hearing four different petitions.. The bench directed the victims to deposit the financial assistance received from the government in the treasury through the Social Welfare Department in 20 days and after verifying it, passed the appropriate order to the court.The court also directed to send a copy of the order to the sessions court so that it can be ensured that the order is followed in future.
Financial assistance received from the government will have to be returned to the victim on settlement in criminal cases related to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Act.---Allahabad High Court
byIndian law express