Rajasthan High court has said that the women of SC ST OBC resident in Rajasthan after marrying a person from Rajasthan not entitled to get the benefit of reservation in government jobs in Rajasthan, being a member of SC ST OBC community in any other state. The same women of SC ST OBC community can get the benefit of reservation in government jobs of the state, those born in the SC ST OBC community of the Rajasthan.
According to the case a woman named Sunita Rani whose place of birth is in the state of Punjab. His Caste Regar is classified as schedule caste in Punjab. Sunita Rani is married to a schedule caste person resident of Rajasthan. Sunita Rani had applied before Tehsildar, Nohar district Hanumangarh to get the certificate of schedule caste. Her application was rejected on the ground that she is not a resident of Rajasthan.
The aggrieved Sunita Rani had filed a petition in the High Court seeking an order to the concerned authorities to issue the schedule caste certificate. After hearing both sides, Justice Dinesh Mehta pronounced the verdict The petitioner being a native of Punjab is not entitled to get the benefit of reservation in government jobs in the state of Rajasthan. But the petitioner is entitled to get the schedule caste certificate. On the basis of this certificate the petitioner can get other benefits. For the example it could be a housing scheme. The petitioner migrant woman can claim benefits on the basis of the certificate. While writing the judgement, Justice Dinesh Mehta has referred to several judgements of the Supreme court and the High court.